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Candles Lit
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr In Memory Of Your Birthday
william perrington jr In Celebration Of Your Life
william perrington jr
william perrington jr
Place of birth: None
To William Perrington.it is not often someone comes along and touches your soul in a way that changes your perception of human beings. I was fortunate to have met one of those people in him. I have never met a more kinder caring person than him. he gave me 15 years of the happiest moments in my life and the love we shared for each other I will truly miss. it was an unconditional love. will always let me live my life and loved me with all my many faults. he was so good to me from day one until the last day that cancer took him. for anyone who might read this I tell you never settle for anything but the best because I held out for the best and that’s what I got. you truly can meet someone who will treat you with love ,kindness and respect and someone who shows you everyday how much they love you.bubba,i will miss you until the day I die and I pray to god ill get to be with you again, love always, your man Eric