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Wesley Owens In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wesley Owens In Celebration Of Your Life
Wesley Owens In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wesley Owens In Celebration Of Your Life
Wesley Owens In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wesley Owens
Wesley Owens
Place of birth: Truth or Consequences, NM
Religious affiliation: Christian
Wesley K. Owens was born on August 1, 1966 at Sierra Vista Hospital in Truth or Consequences, NM to Cynthia Morris. He had 3 siblings: Donna, Michael & Lisa. He grew up in New Mexico and eventually went on to have two children with his first wife Gwyneda Seymour: Crystal & Michael Owens. After their divorce, he went on to have one more son with his second wife Melinda Fehlberg: Jesse Owens. He never remarried after his second divorce. He has two biological grand-daughters: MaKenzee & Haiden Rudder. Although he never remarried, he was with his long time girlfriend of 5 years, Fran Jones. She has 2 children and 4 grandchildren. He was part of the Marine Corp motorcycle chapter in Louisiana. He was also a: Pro golfer, Sons of the American Legion, a Legion Rider Member and loved to go fishing. He was a Baptist Christian. He was a very prominent employee for both golf courses: Sierra Del Rio & Truth or Consequences Municipal. Wesley passed away on July 3, 2022 at Las Palmas Medical Center in El Paso, TX. His passing was from complications due to his fight with cancer. The flags were lowered to half mass on his behalf in the city of TorC, NM. He was preceeded in death by his adopted dad Leonard Owens, his sister Donna Donaldson & his son Michael Owens. He is survived by his mother Cynthia Morris, sister Lisa Stevens, brother Michael SanRoman, daughter Crystal Bishop, son in law Keith Bishop, son Jesse Owens, Grand-daughters Makenzee & Haiden Rudder, his girlfriend Fran Jones, her children and grandchildren, along with many other cousins, nieces, & nephews. There will be a procession led by the Truth or Consequences Police Department and the American Legion Riders at 10:30am. It will go from Kirikos down by the TorC Golf Course and then out to the American Legion in Elephant Butte. He will not be buried in a cemetery, as he wished to be cremated and released on his last bike ride.