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Candles Lit
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal In Memory Of Your Birthday
Wanda Fayal In Celebration Of Your Life
Wanda Fayal
Wanda Fayal
Place of birth: brooklyn hospital
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Mrs. wand Fayal, of Kansas City, KS, passed away on Monday, October 31, 2016.Wanda was born to parents James and Mary Wellington on DEC 25, 1950 in Hartford, CT. She grew up as the eldest of six and attended Hartford High School. In 1965, she married her high school sweetheart, John Fayal. In 1970, she took a position as a searchlight operator for the Coast Guard when her husband joined the Army John was killed in a car accident, and Wanda moved to New York City to start over and earn her teaching certificate.Wanda married Hank Porter in 1975, and the couple had four children. Wanda taught the sixth grade until her retirement. She continued to volunteer at various schools throughout the district over the next twenty years.Wanda is survived by her daughter, Katherine Nolan; her son, Luke Fayal; her sisters, Mary Ellen Greene and Anna Porter; twelve grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Hank Fayal; her sons, Clark and Henry Porter; her parents, James and Mary; her sisters, Colleen Shaw and Henrietta Knight; and her brothers, Cole and Kent Porter.A viewing of the body will be available to the public at Mason’s Funeral Home from November- 11 between the hours of 12 and 5 p.m. The cremation will take place on Nov 12 at 8:00 p.m., and friends and family are invited to attend the scattering of the ashes at Pleasant Park shortly thereafter. The family is grateful for the condolences, but declines flowers and donations.