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Candles Lit
Wally VanArnhem
Wally VanArnhem
Wally VanArnhem
Place of birth: None
Wally is a dog, but he’s so sick that he has to have euthanasia. We think what happened is he got an infection in his lungs and it spread to his heart. Plus his back is all hunched and he limps outside, he’s all crippled up. He has a chicken suit (if i can find a photo i’ll upload it in the comments if possible). He’s ten in people years but dog years 10 x 7 = 70, That’s old! He loves kids and his time has come to go to doggie heaven. He went canoeing with us and swam a bit. But he got pneumonia twice; he is a strong dog! Also in the comments if you’ve ever lost a pet please give me tips on how to feel better! Wally is/was the best dog ever and no-one will ever replace him.