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Vanessa Trejo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Vanessa Trejo In Celebration Of Your Life
Vanessa Trejo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Vanessa Trejo In Celebration Of Your Life
Vanessa Trejo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Vanessa Trejo In Celebration Of Your Life
Vanessa Trejo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Vanessa Trejo
Vanessa Trejo
Place of birth: Rock Island, IL
Religious affiliation: Christian
With great sadness we announce that Vanessa Brassfield Trejo gained her angel wings just after midnight November 6th, 2021. She was surrounded by loved ones and passed peacefully. Vanessa was adopted by James (Jim) Brassfield and Gertrude (Terry) Brassfield at the age of 3 days old. She was welcomed by a previously adopted biological 2 year old sister. She attended Houston Elementary until the passing of her father, at which time her mother moved them to Berry, AL. Attending Berry Elementary and Jr. High Schools until her 1st marriage to Rick Adkins which produced 3 beautiful children, Leslie, Vanessa B. and Johnny. The family eventually moved to WV. Being the forever nomad Vanessa eventually moved back to Berry, AL where she met and married Luterio Trejo. They continued the nomad life of living in multiple states, some even twice. Together they raised 3 of the grandchildren, Eugin, Amanda and Ghile. Two years prior we learned Vanessa had congestive heart failure and she started trying to slow her life down but that doesn’t always happen. She had moved to Michigan where her youngest daughter lives. After making a major trip to FL to move some of her family to Michigan again she was on the road to take her son-in-law to WV for his father’s funeral. It was upon the return that she began feeling so badly that she was having trouble doing for herself. As her last attempt to do for her family her final move was back to GA. She had only been in GA a week before going into the hospital. As she deteriorated her family tried to make sure her wishes were followed. Vanessa is survived by her husband, Luterio Trejo of Balwin, GA Daughters Leslie Renee West ( Tommy ) of Baldwin, GA, Vanesaa Hagy ( Danny Vickery) of Delton, MI and son Johnny Dewayne Adkins of Baldwin, GA. , a sister Lani Houston of Houston, MS. 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. A nephew, niece and a host of loving cousins spread across the southern states. There wasn’t a service per her final wishes.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
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