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Candles Lit
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Celebration Of Your Life
Tyler Joseph Wiley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tyler Joseph Wiley
Tyler Joseph Wiley
Place of birth: Delaware County Hospital
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Tyler Joseph Wiley, suddenly passed away early Sunday morning 6/12/16, comfortably at his home in Westbrook Park, Pa. Tyler was a bright, spirited, strong, selfless wonderful young man. Tyler was a excellent student and stellar athlete before he was diagnosed with brain cancer in May of 2007. He was determined and brave and fought his battles with grace and perseverance. Unfortunately God wanted Tyler home with him. Tyler touched everyone he met, he cared about others and what they were going through trying to make them smile, rather then complain about the pain he was in or that he was so tired from being at the hospital all day. He was an amazing young man, full of life and such happiness! Tyler was taken from this world too soon but for anyone who got to know him, definitely loved him! He will be terribly missed!
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
St. EUGENE'S Catholic Church
Oak Ave.
Promos , PA 19018