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Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan I miss you everyday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan You are missed daily
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan In Celebration Of Your Life
Tonya Logan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Tonya Logan
Tonya Logan
Place of birth: Sacramento California
Religious affiliation: Christian
Tonya Renee Logan was born on October 4, 1967 in Sacramento California to Albert and Virginia “Mother” Logan as some members of the First Baptist Church of Sterling VA called her. Tonya “Toni” as her mother affectionately referred to her, was a miracle child. After years of trying to have a family and being told they were infertile. In Virginia’s late forties Tonya was born to everyone’s surprise. The Logan family moved around California where Tonya attended and graduated from high school then college. She begin working in early childhood development. She married and had three children Kenneth “Ty”, Justin and Kasi. After divorcing and moving in with her mother Tonya began to study computer science where she meet her second husband and moved to Virginia She had two more children Michaela “Kayla” and Jackson Logan. Tonya work in the CASA program for Loudoun County and help with the AWANA program at First Baptist Church of Sterling VA. Tonya was always ready to help anyone and even in her prolong battle with illness, she brought smiles to everyone face wherever she went. Tonya is survived by five children and five grandchildren, oldest son Kenneth in Arkansas with twin girls Amari & MacKenzie, son Justin in California with a son and daughter. Her oldest daughter Kasi Dion and granddaughter Elycia Renee, daughter Michaela Renee and son Jackson Logan. A host of friends and loved ones across the country and Caribbean.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
First Baptist Church of Sterling Virginia
21449 Potomac View Rd
Sterling , VA 20164