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Candles Lit
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker In Celebration Of Your Life
Susan Baker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Susan Baker
Susan Baker
Place of birth: Atlanta, Ga
Susan Gale Baker was born to Robert Baker & Kathleen Ellington on October 29, 1995. Susan was a beloved daughter, sister, niece & granddaughter. She will be greatly missed by her family.She was preceded in death by her husband, James D. Dalton in 2016. Susan was full of energy and was a unique person. She didn’t always follow the rules but when she loved something, she held on with everything. We love you and miss you darling daughter.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Watkins Funeral Home Inc
163 North Ave
Jonesboro , GA 30236 (678) 498-5612