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Candles Lit
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez In Celebration Of Your Life
Splinter Chavez In Memory Of Your Birthday
Splinter Chavez
Splinter Chavez
Place of birth: Albuquerque, nm
Splinter was the love of my life for 11 1/2 years. He was the most intelligent dog I’ve ever known. After getting him back when he was only 4 months old he learned to go potty in a litter box. He went everywhere with me. I know he loved me a great deal. When I left him with someone when I had to go somewhere I didn’t want him to be alone. That didn’t matter because no matter who he was left with or whomever stayed with him it wasn’t me . I miss and love him very much. This loss is really taking a toll on me right now.