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Candles Lit
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day In Celebration Of Your Life
Sherylene Parry Day In Memory Of Your Birthday
Sherylene Parry Day
Sherylene Parry Day
Place of birth: Kerrville, Texas
Religious affiliation: Other
Sherylene Parry Day passed away December 29, 2015 following a long battle with liver failure. She was 54 years old. Originally from Kerrville, Texas, Sherylene made Sterling, Virginia her final home. She died in the early hours of the morning, surrounded by loved ones.
Although she was cast aside by most of her family, Sherylene led a bold and eccentric life, and was deeply loved by many. She dreamed of being a movie star, and was cast as an extra in many films, such as: As Good As It Gets, Starship Troopers, Mimic, and The Replacement Killers. She was a Mainframe Operations Specialist, and had aspirations to open her own tattoo studio. She was a wife, mother, sister, and friend.
Sherylene was preceded in death by her sister Celia, mother Ramona, and father William. She leaves behind her husband, Jonathan, three children, and countless friends all over the world. While she has gone from this earth, she will live on in the memories of those that love her, and all the lives she touched.
And now her watch has ended…
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
This has not been set at this time
Sterling , VA 20164