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Candles Lit
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett In Celebration Of Your Life
Samantha Lee Tackett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Samantha Lee Tackett
Samantha Lee Tackett
Samantha Lee Tackett
Place of birth: Portsmouth Virginia
The purest and most beautiful soul I have ever known. There are no words to describe how wonderful and loving she was. Loved by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. She is my eternal angel.