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Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo In Memory Of Your Birthday
Saha Deo In Celebration Of Your Life
Saha Deo
Saha Deo
Place of birth: Lauoka
Religious affiliation: Hindu
Saha Deo was educated in Fiji at the University of South Pacific and worked very hard for many years at Lautoka Sugar Mill. He is survived by 3 sons and 4 daughters. He worked vey hard all of his life and contributed to many charities, he loved to give to others.