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Candles Lit
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Roxanne Manley In Celebration Of Your Life
Roxanne Manley Missing you at Christmas Once again hugs and Kisses to you and Rob
Roxanne Manley Missing you at Christmas
Roxanne Manley
Roxanne Manley
Place of birth: New Orleans La.
Religious affiliation: Christian
Roxanne was my “Star” child from day one. She shone so bright in our lives. Her big brother Robbie was her hero and she loved him to pieces. She was a Daddy’s girl always and had him wrapped around that little finger from the very beginning. Roxanne had such a big heart for others….always wanted to befriend anyone who seemed like they needed it. She had a heart of gold and was wise beyond her years. Every time I see a shooting star I remember you my baby girl. Love you to the stars and beyond….till we meet again take care of your brother and your daddy. I’ll love you forever, Mom ⭐️❤️💔❤️⭐️