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Candles Lit
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker In Celebration Of Your Life
Roselyn Eve Walker
Roselyn Eve Walker
Place of birth: Plainfield, NJ
Religious affiliation: Christian
Roselyn Eve Walker, better known as Rosie, was born in South Plain field NJ, on July 24, 2014, To Parents Keith an Lisa Walker, Rosie was a studious child. Warm, loving and rambunctious. She loved to dress up as her favorite cartoon character, Doc Mc-stuffins and play doctor with her little brother an her stuffed animals, she loved playing in her yard, reading with her mom and piggy back rides with her dad. Though her illness was long, she was a little trooper, always upbeat and smilling. Singing in church was one of her favorite things, as well as gardening with her paternal grandma, whom she spent a great deal of time with. She will be greatly missed.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Soul Saving church of God In Christ
166 Union street
Jersey City , NJ 07304