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Candles Lit
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wayne Heath Jr.
Robert Wayne Heath Jr.
Place of birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Robert Wayne Heath Jr. was a very kind and loving humanbeing. He loved learning and being able to teach others. I guess that is why he taught at UCD for 20 years. He loved education so much that he got his Masters degree in Mechanical engineering . He also really enjoyed teaching Thermodynamics and Air Conditioning. Education wasn’t the only thing that Robert loved, he had two beautiful daughters. Jenette, 35 years old, with two great childern Austin who is 8 years old and Danica awho his 5 years old. Robert lived for his grand children and loved spending as much time as he could with them. Hois other daughter, Erica, is 31 years old. He was an amzing father. He was also an older brother to Sharon Blasdel and Karen Johnson. Robert aloways had so much love in his heart to give to us and was alwys an understanding and kind heart individual. He touched so many hearts and souls during his time on earth. If you were blessed enough to have met Robert, I hope you cherish every memory of him in your heaart.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Denver #5 Masonic Lodge
15 th and Welton
Denver , CO