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Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
My Loving Father Love Janet
Robert Wait In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Wait In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Wait
Place of birth: Potsdam, NY
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Robert was born to Marion Wait on January 14, 1935. He served 4 years in the Air Force and chose to be a Heating and Air Conditioning Service man for 54 years.
He worked for Aable Heating and Cooling for over 20 years, before that he worked for Riley for about 8 years and Consumers Heating and Cooling for over 25 years.
Funeral Notice Detail
He passes away from a brain bleed that may have caused him to be disoriented and lose his balance, he fell and hit his head on the concrete. He was put on life support because he was under so much stress he never recovered, it was the prayer of his family that once life support was removed he would recover, however he never did. He passed away the morning of December 31, 2014.
He was proceeded in death by his Grandmother Luna Scoville Wait & Mother Marion Wait.
He was the step father of 7 daughters, Collette (Denny) Foland of Tillomook, OR, Robin Clingman (deceased), Evelyn Cozan of Olive Branch, MS, Bobbi Jo Sevic (deceased), Laurie (Frank) Nelson, Echo, OR, Melody (Jay) Tucker of WA, Judy (Lane) Campbell of Draper, UT. Father to Robert (Alaya) Wait of Sparks, NV & Janet (Rich) Brcka of Hobart, IN.
He was the Grandfather of 20 Children and to many great grandchildren to count.
Robert was a healthy 79 year old man who retired from Aable Heating and Cooling in January 2013. He spent his retirment with family and did some short distant traveling. He loved going to Vegas and driving up to visit his Step daughter Judy and her family in Draper, Utah.
He was a huge John Wayne fan, and had a collection of all his movies.
Bob enjoying going to his daughters house for dinner and seeing the whole family on Facebook and looking at thier pictures and reading about their lives.
We all have cherished memories of Bob he was loved and will be missed by all.
A Memorial Service will be held at
Cremation no Service
3621 E 35th place
Lake Station , IN 46405