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Candles Lit
Robert Mcknight from your son in law
Robert Mcknight for my dad from me lots of love
Robert Mcknight for my dad from me lots of love
Robert Mcknight for my dad I love & miss you Your baby girl Lisa
Robert Mcknight
Place of birth: Wells Texas
Robert McKnight was strong willed, he had determination, and would want to make sure that things got done. At the end of his life he was still worried about mom, and david, and he fought the Lord. Yet when the Lord says its time for you to come home you have to go. Robert was a former marine, worked for temple and retired from there, he has four sons, and five daughters, Numerous grandkids, and great grandkids. A special thanks goes out to Melinda.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
wells texas, Mt hope cemetery, The tabernacle.
mt hope cemetery
wells texas , TX 75976