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Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano Dad, its been almost 10 years! I miss you so much !!!!
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Belciano
Robert Belciano
Eric Reyonolds In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Robert Belciano In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Rex Owens
Eric Reyonolds In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Belciano
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Robert was a unique individual. His love of others was an attribute that very few have in that he would go out of his way to help others in need and if you ever needed him he was there in the blink of an eye. He was a jack of all trades and an excellent one at that. He knew all about the construction business and give him some materials and the tools he would make masterpieces. But Robert knew more than construction. He was a scholar and tried his whole life to learn as much as he could. Once he wanted to know how to do something he gave it 100 percent. He wanted to learn how to bowl and my father taught him and he took to it like a fish in a fish tank if you know what I mean. But the thing that most defined Robert was that he always without fail took care of others before himself. No matter what if you needed something Robert would be the one to provide it. I will probably add onto this soon as the final arrangements are in the planning stages and hopefully I will be able to add it to this page when I find out.