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Rico Volpe

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Rico Volpe

Place of birth: Pet Shop

Although I do not remember the exact date of his birth, I truly do feel like the loss of him is equivalent to the loss of a family member. In my eyes he was a truly great pet- no, not even a pet- a great family member and it hurts to see him go. He had the most softest feathers and a crooked tail, but that didn’t stop this little bundle of joy from holding on until the very end. He never went outside due to him constantly wanting to see the world for himself, it was too dangerous. So within his final day of living, we finally brought his very weak and blind body outside so he can at least experience the treasures of being outside. But after a couple hours, he began having rapid spasms, so we had to hunker him down with our bare hands. But once he finally calmed down, he let out his final breaths before embracing death and reuniting with his favorite pall “Cuddles”, our family hamster who sadly passed a couple years ago.

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