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Candles Lit
Place of birth: Martin, Michigan
Loving Husband, Father, Grandfather and Son has reunited with our HEAVENLY FATHER. We will all miss you deeply and carry you in our hearts each and every day. We know you are at peace and watching down on us. KEEP PLAYING THAT BASS IN HEAVEN!!!Thank you, Lord, for loving me whenI didn’t love myself, Alone, unnoticed like a bookon a long forgotten shelf. Thank you, Lord, for showing me a new and better way.You gave me hope so I could cope with problemsof the day. You dried my tears so I could see beyond mydarkest night, The shadow of an empty tomb aglow in bright sunlight.You lifted me when I was down; You heard my feeble prayer Andlet me know that I was loved and worthy of repair. Thank you, Lord, for all these things so beautiful and bright, For taking time to change my life from darkness into LIGHT
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
1130 S. HORNE
MESA , AZ 85204