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Candles Lit
Richard Jones
Place of birth: Fort Wayne, IN
Richard Allen Jones, of Fort Wayne, IN died on January 14, 2017 after prolonged illness. He was 83 years old. A Vietnam War veteran, Richard is survived by his descendants including a son, Roy Jones of Fort Wayne, IN, and two daughters, Angelia Zielke of Indianapolis, IN and Erin Linsky of Fort Wayne, IN in addition to a brother, Phillip Jones, of Fort Wayne, IN and a sister, Ruth Sovine, of Fort Wayne, IN. Richard was preceded in death by his parents, Gayle Jones, of Lake Placid, FL and Cecilia Jones of Fort Wayne, IN and a brother, Raymond Jones, of Fort Wayne, IN. In accordance with his wishes, Richard’s remains have been donated to Indiana University to further the education of students in the medical sciences department.