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Candles Lit
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer In Celebration Of Your Life
Raine Mercer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Raine Mercer
Raine Mercer
Place of birth: Renfrew, ON
Religious affiliation: Protestant
Although her name was Raine, she was forever our sunshine. She battled long and hard, proving herself to have the strength of a warrior. Her dreams were to take stage at the national ballet. Although that never happened has she hardly left the four walls of her hospital room. She will dance in our hearts forever. Her laughter and joy for the little things in life will forever keep us grounded. In nine years she lived a hard life, never once complained and always worried about others. As she dances in heaven. Her two older sisters O’Shon, Skye and her parents Candice and Franklin will forever cherish the time that they had with her.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
15 West Ave N
Hamilton , OR L8L6H6