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When someone is deeply bereaved, they may feel as though they can barely breathe… much less talk, think, be coherent, or listen. They are not themselves. They may feel confused and be in a lot of pain…


This month, during Grief Awareness Month, we want to share ideas on how you can be there for someone grieving. Here’s how to help:


Be Empathetic: Understand that their reality, mind, and heart have been deeply affected.


Show Love and Respect: Remember you’re there out of love and respect.


Recognize Their State: Know that they may be disoriented and in shock.


Let Them Express Emotions: Allow them to show their feelings without judgment or inhibition.


Give Them Time: Be patient with no judgment. Don’t pressure them; let them take the time to process and heal.


Understand the Grieving Process: Grief is a roller coaster of emotions. These feelings will come and go in many ways.


Offer Practical Help: Be present and ready to help with everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking, shopping, and paying bills.


Reassure Them: Let them know you are there for whatever they need. Simply show up.


Listen Attentively: Listen without offering opinions, consolation, or advice. Sometimes, just being there and saying, “I don’t know what to say, but I’m here,” is enough.


Everyone’s Grief is Different: Everyone has a unique relationship with their person. Don’t compare your grief to theirs.


Encourage Tears: Allow them to cry as much as they need. Never tell them not to cry. Instead, offer them a safe space to cry if they need to.


Respect Their Space: They need to feel support. Yet, sometimes, they must be in their own space and in silence if necessary.


Stay in Touch: Keep reaching out with calls, messages, or videos, even for months. Make sure they feel your ongoing support.


Be Respectful: Respect what they say and how they express themselves.


Think Before Speaking: Be thoughtful about what you say to them. Be patient. A death loss is a life-changing experience.


Show Compassion: Understand their emptiness, look them in the eyes, and offer a hug if it feels right. Let them feel your sincere support.


Accept Their Boundaries: Respect their wishes if they don’t want to talk, eat, go out, or do anything. Be patient.


Acknowledge Their Pain: Understand they are confused, lost, distressed, sad, scared, angry, and guilty. They are beside themselves.


Be Patient: They feel stuck and unable to move forward. Be there with them as they navigate their grief.


Offer Love: Most importantly, show them your love and support. That’s what they need most.


As we navigate your grief, it’s important to remember that we’re not alone. The HealGrief® & AMF community is here, offering a safe and supportive space to share experiences and feelings. Through this community, many have found strength in shared experiences and support from others who are also in their journey of healing. If you know someone bereaved and needing support, consider inviting them to join the Actively Moving Forward (AMF) app today.

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