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Candles Lit
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua In Celebration Of Your Life
Pete Badua In Memory Of Your Birthday
Pete Badua
Pete Badua
Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
Religious affiliation: Catholic
I am deeply saddened to announce that my father passed over on May 23rd, 2017. Iwant to celebrate his life for he was the strongest and most important man in my life. He is the solid foundation of 3 generations. His memory will live on thru his family. He taught me to follow my heart, and with determination and perseverence i can accomplish anythng. He will be greatly missed by many, but never forgotten. He lived a full life and left his life acceptibg what his God had his Hand upon, and crossed over peacefully.