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Candles Lit
Oswald Brown In Celebration Of Your Life
Oswald Brown In Memory Of Your Birthday
Oswald Brown In Celebration Of Your Life
Oswald Brown In Memory Of Your Birthday
Oswald Brown In Celebration Of Your Life
Oswald Brown In Memory Of Your Birthday
Oswald Brown In Celebration Of Your Life
Oswald Brown In Memory Of Your Birthday
Oswald Brown In Celebration Of Your Life
Oswald Brown In Memory Of Your Birthday
Oswald Brown
Oswald Brown
Place of birth: Monroe North Carolina
Oswald was born to Sunny and Brigeda on July 9,2004. He was adopted by Dwayne, Sandra, Centria and Cassie Brown on 8/23/2004. He was a loyal,caring companion for years.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
The Brown house
Wingate , NC 28174
On: Sep 01, 2019 — At: 5:00 PM
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Candles Lit
Oswald Brown
Oswald Brown
Place of birth: None
Oswald your bark will be missed. You following us around the house. Oswald you were a loyal, loving, and caring companion for many yrs.