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Candles Lit
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley In Celebration Of Your Life
Nelson Kelley
Nelson Kelley
Place of birth: Athens, Ga
We are most grateful to God for the gift of family and friends like you, who have been so kind and thoughtful durinf the passing of our loved one. Your vists, calls, flowers and eve r y act of kidness has given us strength and inspiration for the facing of this hour.May God forver bless each of you, The Kelley Family
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Ebenezer Baptist Church West
205 N Chase Street
Athens , GA 30606