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Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Celebration Of Your Life
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Myrtle Harrell I love you Mom You are my strength Kim
Myrtle Harrell
Myrtle Elizabeth Webb Harrell
Place of birth: Rye Cove, Virginia
Religious affiliation: Christian
Myrtle was born in Rye Cove, Virginia and shortly after the family moved to Kingsport, Tennessee. Myrtle grew up and spent most of her adult life in Kingsport. She married, Nessie Venoy Harrell Jr, gave birth to 5 children and co owned 2 business with her husband (Mountain Equipment Company and Good Stuff and Junque) both in Church Hill, Tennessee. Myrtle was known for her intelligence, quick wit and compassion. Myrtle was a devoted Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, and Cousin, she loved family and was part of a great large Webb Clan. Her favorite thing in life was being a loving Mamaw. At the time of her death she was the eldest remaining of her siblings and Matriarch to the Webb Clan. Myrtle was selfless in death as she was in life and donated her body for Medical Research and Education to Restore Life USA.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
WEBB Family Cemetry
429 Welk Road
Kingsport , TN 37660