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Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike Smith
Place of birth: None
Mike (Mikey) B. Smith was born January 3, 1980 in Akron, Ohio. He is the second child to Patricia and Frank Smith. He has one older brother James Smith. On July 24th he passed away peacefully in his sleep from complications of his medical history.
Mike lived his life to the fullest. With the help of friends he created an awesome backyard wrestling known as the WDF, in which he wrestled for many years. This was something that he loved doing and greatly missed since he retired from wrestling. He still to this day.
Mike is survived by his mother Patricia, brother James, fiancee Cassandra, and his step-children Liam, Abigail and Isabella. He is also survived by his many friends and other family members. He is proceeded by his father Frank, and grandparents.
He will truly be missed by all that have loved him. This angel was taken far to soon.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
2154 Bigelow St
Akron , OH 44314