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Candles Lit
Michael Sellers
Place of birth: Seattle, Wa
Michael passed from this earth on December 15, 2018. He was laid to rest along side his great-grandmother Ethel and great-grandfather Joseph Bunker. Michael survived by a large family both blood and chosen. Michael was loved by all who knew him. He was funny, smart, kind, compassionate and loyal. He loved more than anything to spend time with his friends, especially Jackson, his roommate, brother and best friend. He had friends in different groups; from gaming, evergreen, TJHS, sports teams and lots of friends he made through other friends. His heart was big and he accepted everyone as they were. He created meaningful and lasting relationships through all stages in his life. Michael was close to his grandparents Katie and Steve. He would say “Grandma is my favorite person, she understands me.” He loved being around her and loved her massages. Grandpa and Michael were two peas in a pod, they had the same sense of humor and always had fun making each other laugh. Michael could never pass up the chance to mess with his big sister Jess. From day one he wanted to be near her and drive her crazy. It was purely brotherly love and she loved it all the same. She was the best big sister a brother could ask for. Loving him and cursing him at the same time, but always fiercely protective and proud of her baby brother. The loss of Michael is tragic and heartbreaking. We will never be the same without him in our lives. As his parents, we aren’t sure how to go on, except one moment at a time. We will keep talking about him, looking at pictures, recalling memories of our time with him and wishing we could tell him how much his is loved and missed. Our beautiful boy is gone but will remain in our hearts and memories.