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Candles Lit
Guinness Ehster
Guinness Ehster
Your Pets Home: Pewaukee, WI
Pet type: Dog
Its been a great run my friend, but all things must come to an end and I do not want you to be in pain. You were not just the “king” of my couch, bed, house, or car you were the king of my heart! You have been the most loving loyal furry friend anyone could ask for. You taught me many things over the past 7.5 years, primarily love and patience.
I still remember the day I picked you up from the breeder with your droopy eyes, sharp little teeth, regal stance and clumsy big paws that you eventually grew into. You were the cutest of the litter. I remember the drive home, as you cried the whole way, and I felt horrible, thinking what have I done, he is so sad leaving his litter. At that time, I still had no idea what I had gotten myself into, getting a puppy who was going to grow into a mini horse. I remember bringing you into my house, which I had just purchased to make into our home. I wanted you to have a huge yard with woods to explore where you would become friends with the deer. I had also bought a cage for you with a little bed because that was where you were going to sleep every night. It was going to be wonderful, you would greet me when I came home, we would play every night, you would let me know when you needed to go out, and head for your cage at the end of the day when it was time to go to sleep. Boy was I WRONG, almost none of that happened except the warm greeting and sloppy kisses you gave when I walked through the door. I don’t think you slept one night in that cage, you looked at me with those big droopy eyes and I picked you up and put you into my queen bed. You did not always let me know when you had to go to the bathroom so we had many accidents at first. I guess just another reason for me to get the new flooring that I was planning. Potty training was rough, thank goodness Kristin was around to encourage you and keep me in check.
Once we got through that phase you continued to grow, and grow, and grow. I quickly learned that I could not leave anything out on my counter, as it would be fair game for you to chew or ingest. You always enjoyed some of the most interesting foods including sticks of butter or jars of peanut butter. The calls I used to make to the veterinarian, asking what to do when your dog ate incandescent light bulbs, chocolate cake, Epi-Pens, Halloween candy, or important financial documents. You always thought you were a puppy as you tried to sit on my lap, your stretch became longer and soon I was forced to the end of my bed as you claimed the rest as your own. My solution was simply to buy a bigger bed for that would solve the problem. Well as of this day, I still am lucky if I get a small space to lay in bed, as you magically take up more and more space.
I am going to miss having you next to my side, not only at night when you were a living sound machine, between your snoring, farting, and puppy dreams which involved whimpering and kicking me with your legs. I am going to miss you by my side every day, with our trips in the car, you blocking the view in my rear view mirror as I ran errands or we go to the dog park or walks around town. We never really got that far because people would always stop us to ask the most common questions great dane owners ever hear: How much does he eat?, How much does he weigh? Can you put a saddle on him and ride him? You were always such a friendly outgoing dog who enjoyed going to his second home “Doggy Office” or trips to the dog park. You always managed to leave your mark wherever you went, your flying globs of drool, have dried to my walls, ceiling, furniture, and inside of my vehicles. Your hairs are engrained in my furniture, bedding, and clothes.
So while you are no longer physically by my side these marks and your spirit is what I will continue to hold. My bed is cold and too big now. My rear view mirror is so empty as I look for your drooling face 🙁 I love you so much Guinness and hope you rest in peace… I am so lucky to have had you be a part of my life.