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Candles Lit
Your Pets Home: Antioch, IL
Pet type: Dog
My sweet boy came to us 7 years ago when he was 2 years old. The shelter named him Chupa because they said he looked like a Chubacabra. He had no hair and smelled awful. The shelter waived his fee because he had been there for 2 1/2 years and nobody wanted him. I took him home and loved him. He peed all over the house. He was such a sweet boy and he loved his momma (me). He snuggled with me every night. He loved going on rides in the car and going for walks. Unfortunately, he got cancer (mass on his spleen) and internal bleeding. He couldn’t walk or use his back legs. He had been having issues on stairs for a bit, but I thought it was just arthritis. I was in complete shock when the vet told me he had internal bleeding and might not make it through the night. As you can see, he looked like his normal self, except for not being able to use his back legs. His favorite thing was snuggling with me on the bed and getting tummy rubs. I miss him SO much. This was unexpected and didn’t even have time to process it or prepare for it. It came on suddenly. I still look for him in the house and he was always waiting for me on my bed when I came home. He spent the first 5 years with a big yard, but no fence so I had to take him out on a leash because he would run off into the neighborhood. A year and a half ago, we moved to a house with a fenced in yard so he got to run around and play. I loved him so much and he knows it. He loved me so much, and it hurts so much. I can’t bring myself to remove his stuff. I can’t believe he’s gone. RIP my sweet boy. I love you forever. Kisses.