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Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell In Celebration Of Your Life
Maxine Campbell
Place of birth: Chicago,L
Dedicated Wife, Loving Mother, Grandmother, Great and Great-Great Grandmother Carolyn Hardin, age 64 of Chicago, IL, passed into God’s hands from natural causes March 17,2014. She was a dedicated wife, involved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great-great grandmother. She was a wonderful example of faith, hope and charity! Carolyn Hardin was born February22, 1950, in Memphis, TN to Raymond Hardin and Wilbur Shirley Hardin. She had 4 sisters and 3 brothers. After graduating high school in Memphis, TN, She graduated from University of Memphis as a Registered Nurse. She married Clem Campbell in 1975. They made their home in Chicago, IL and had 5 children (4 boys and 1 girl). She had a lifetime memories of being a helping hand to anyone in need. She was awarded over the years by the many associations she was committed to. She has 22 grandchildren, over 40 great grandchildren and several great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her wonderful husband 39 years, all her siblings; sons Jimmy Hardin, & Raymond Hardin Jr.; and son-in-law Robert A. Foster.