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Candles Lit
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) Thinking of you... at Christmas! Love, Brother John
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) Princess Grace is one of your Guardian Angels. Prayers sent from Monaco.
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Celebration Of Your Life
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) Your memorial masses were beautiful and filled with love.
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") Your joy was my joy! Your pain was my pain! Your peace is my peace! JJ
Mary Lillian Kennedy (Lily") Native Shaman says: Walking Far is now Flying High Lilttle Hawk xoxo
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") Love & Light & Peace A wave of prayers everyday
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") I can't believe you are gone I love you Aunt Meda Samara
Mary was my "pumpkin" Our pet name for each other May you rest in peace and know That you were loved
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") Eternal rest grant unto you Perpetual light shine upon you We shall meet again my dear
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") Mary, where did you go? We can't find you!!!! Except in our dreams!
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") I'll miss our coffee times together. You are so loved! LDC
Mary Lillian "Lilly" Kennedy
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") Prayers & Vigils are being held for you by friends in the USA & other countries.
Mary Lillian Kennedy ("Lily") I'm so happy u were my sister! With Love, Brother John
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”)
Place of birth: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Mary Lillian Kennedy (“Lilly”) passed away on Friday, December 18, 2015 at Mercy Hospital, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is now free of her long-suffering and the bondage of this Earth. She is now in the hands of God. May Perpetual Light Shine on her and May She Rest in Peace. If anyone deserved peace, it was Mary!
Mary was a Roman Catholic and attended grade school at Corpus Christi Catholic School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She attended Northwest Classen and Classen High Schools. Mary had an Associates Degree, as well as a board license as an Insurance Agent, and a board license in Cosmetology. Mary worked for many years in the insurance business beginning with her family’s agency, Kennedy Insurance Co., Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma. She continued to work as an insurance agent when she moved to Houston, Texas, where she resided for much of her adult life. She later changed careers and became a hair stylist which she loved, and enjoyed a wide diversity of clients. No one was a stranger to Mary and she could relate to people from all walks of life.
After she retired, due to health issues, she returned to Oklahoma City to be with her family and friends for the final years of her life, before she passed 7 days before Christmas 2015.
Mary was known for her fun-loving ways and never shied away from having a good time, especially in her younger years! Any one that knew her could attest to that! She was also known for her love, compassion and great sense of humor.
Mary was a unique and complex soul who overcame many challenges. When life presented her with what seemed to be an unbearable challenge, she would find the courage to rise up and soldier-on. Mary also stood up for those who suffered injustices, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and other acts of abuse and violence. That was the person she was.
She sought new adventures, inner-peace and spiritually throughout her life. She was also a very strong person, which belied her inner-depth and sensitivity, that she did not reveal to many people.
Mary loved her family, and was one of ten siblings, (from oldest to youngest): Michael Francis Kennedy IV, Caroline Kennedy Ray, (Mary Lillian), John J. Kennedy, Theresa Kennedy Crossland, Christopher P. Kennedy, and her baby sister, whom she cherished, Cecilia Madeline Kennedy, who preceded her in death in 1997.
Mary Lillian Kennedy was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Francis Kennedy III of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Her father was originally from Charleston, South Carolina. She is also preceded in death by her grandparents, Dr. Michael Francis Kennedy, Jr. of Charleston, SC and Caroline Christy Kennedy (originally from Atlanta, Georgia), Great-grandparents, Statesman and Congressman Michael Francis Kennedy, Sr. and Margaret Hand Butterly Kennedy of Charleston, SC., Great-great grandparents, John D’Arcy Kennedy and Caroline Margatite Kennedy, also of Charleston.
Mary’s heritage and long lineage date back to Tipperary, Ireland (Kennedy) and France (D’Arcy). Her branch of the Kennedy family are often referred to as the “Southern Kennedys” or the “Kennedys of Charleston” (including the Oklahoma City Kennedy Family).
Mary is also preceded in death by many aunts and uncles including, John Hand Kennedy, Sr. and Evangeline Moore Kennedy, Jeanet Dale Morrow Kennedy and Patrick Henry Kennedy II, all of Oklahoma City. Many Grand aunts and uncles including Congressman Patrick Henry Kennedy I, of Charleston, South Carolina.
She was blessed with many family and friends that she leaves behind, including in-laws, Larry Crossland, Dorothy McConville Kennedy, Ernie Cranfield and others. Cousins that were dear to her, include the late, Selma (“Sudie”) Carrithers, the late, Hattie Bernice Yeager (“Nano”), who was like a Grandmother to Mary and all the Kennedy children, and Jacqueline and Jim Sullivan, and their family.
Mary also leaves behind her beloved nieces and nephews including, Michael Francis Kennedy V, Jennifer, Debbie, Sean, Casey, Heather, Blaire and Suzanne. Great nieces and nephews including Samara, Simone, Evan, Michael Francis Kennedy VI, Lanie, Isiah, Jonah, Damien, and little Cecilia Madeline.
Mary was always a very pretty and stylish young girl and lady. At 63, when she passed, she aged with beauty, grace, dignity and occasionally her remarkable sense of humor, when she was not in pain.
Because she was cremated, her family that loved her and friends were concerned they would have no graveside or marker to memorialize her. However, true to form, Mary appeared to her sister Theresa in a dream a few days after she passed and said: “My marker will always be in your heart!”
The Kennedy family also wishes to thank three very loving, compassionate and generous “angels” in her life. Mary’s life-long friend, Marilyn Plugge, who bestowed Mary with much love, kindness, support and true friendship; Patrick Engle, who gave endlessly of his heart and time to make Mary’s life easier, especially at the end before she passed away, and her brother, Christopher Kennedy who called her often to cheer her up. God Bless them!
* * * * * * * * * *
Mary often reminded us all to “Pay it forward!”
If you would like to make a memorial donation on behalf of Mary, we know she would wish individuals or families to make a donation to one or both of the following organizations:
1. Online donations to support this site (healgrief.org) by clicking on the DONATE BUTTON and state it is: “In Memory of Mary Lillian Kennedy”.
2. YWCA Oklahoma City Domestic Violence Center and Women and Children’s shelter. They also offer support for many male victims of domestic and/or family violence. The center is a service provided by the United Way and the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office. Donations made be made online at their website: http://www.ywcaokc.org/site/c.7oJELRPuFgJYG/b.8087209/k.BEC7/Home.htm
Please click on the DONATE BUTTON and make your donation in her name at the bottom of the “Donor Information” form. Please state your gift is: “In Memory of Mary Lillian Kennedy”.
Or you may mail your donation to:
YWCA Oklahoma City Domestic Violence Center
2460 NW 39th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Please state your gift is being made “In Memory of Mary Lillian Kennedy.”
If you, your children, your family or loved ones are in danger, or in need, HELP IS AVAILABLE! Please contact 911 if in eminent danger, or the 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 405-917-9922 or the 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline at 405-943-7273.
We will love and remember Mary forever!
Thank you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lord, make me an instrument
of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled,
as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive —
It is in pardoning that we are
And it is in dying that we are
born to eternal life.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hail Mary full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and Blessed is the fruit of
thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What though the radiance
which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind. . .
~William Wordsworth
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“When she shall die,
Take her and cut her out in little stars,
And she will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
~William Shakespeare (paraphrased)
(As a footnote in Mary’s history, William Shakespeare was Mary’s, and her siblings, 9th Great Granduncle, and his parents, John and Mary Shakespeare were their 10th Great-Grandparents)