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Candles Lit
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin In Celebration Of Your Life
Martin Lufkin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martin Lufkin
Martin Lufkin
Place of birth: Oklahoma CIty, OK
Religious affiliation: Christian
Worked at Bell Helicopter for 40 years as a Rotor Design Engineer. Has numerous parts patented and used on the V-22 Osprey. Marty loved being outdoors and especially being on the Oregon coastline where he found his sanctuary. He and his wife spent over 20 summers in Oregon and would be there from May till October so they would miss most of the heat of Texas. when not in Oregon, Marty spent his spare time gardening and smoking his cigar on his back porch with his loyal companion Shandy. He loved to laugh and was loved by many.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Unity Church of Fort Worth
5051 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth , TX 76133