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marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey In Memory Of Your Birthday
marissa Jeffrey In Celebration Of Your Life
marissa Jeffrey
marissa Jeffrey
Place of birth: CMH bolivar mo
Devoted, mother and loving wife
Marissa was born March 23, 1993 in Bolivar, Mo at Citizens Memorial Hospital to Charlotte (Smith) Jones following along is 2 brothers who are still alive Jayson Linker of Jerico Springs, Mo and Christian Stwart of Stockton, Mo. Marissa was currently attending Bolivar Technical College to be a LPN while working for Mashburns Residental Learning Center. She had devoted much of her time to be with her family and also working all that she could. She was known for her big heart in helping everyone around her. Always giving her best no matter what it took to get there.
Marissa’s biggest hobby was hanging out with her family, on the side also loved to scrape book for her kids, going shopping, and being outside no matter what it was like out.
Marissa was married to her husband Brandon Jeffrey of 5 years. They married April, 20th, 2010 in Butler, Mo. The couple started dating November, 9th, 2006 when she was 13 and Brandon was 14. At the age of 16 Marissa had found out she was pregnant with her first daughter Nevaeh Jeffrey, born September 7th, 2010. Age 17 she had given birth to her second daughter Indica Jeffrey on October, 18th 2011. Age 19 Marissa gave birth to there daughter Saleen Jeffrey born January 18th, 2013.
Marissa is survived by Brandon, Nevaeh, Indica, Saleen Jeffrey. Also following is Pimpen and Dc both family dogs that have been in the family for 7 years. All residing in there family home in Bolivar, mo.
Memorial donations may be made to the Jeffrey family to help pay for the services and what else might be needed at this time.
The Jeffrey family wishes to express our sincere thanks for the flowers an other expressions of love during this time.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Murray Funeral Home
911 w Broadway st
Bolivar , MO 65613