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Maria Caridad “Mama Caro” Pena Vera

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Maria Caridad “Mama Caro” Pena Vera

Place of birth: Mexico City, Mexico / Ciudad de Mexico

Religious affiliation: None/Unknown

Our Dear Mama Caro will always be remembered with love. She married Alberto Juarez Fernandez (deceased) and together they had four children. She was survived by all her children, three grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
She passed away peacefully in her sleep on the 10th of February, 2016. She will always be remembered for her love and guidance. For me personally, I will always be grateful for her teaching me Psalm 23 which is still one of my favorites to this day. It has always helped me in my walk with God and I will pass it on to my children. May you rest in peace until our Lord’s second coming!!!!

Nuestra querida Mama Caro siempre sera recordada con mucho amor. Ella se caso con Alberto Juarez Fernandez (fallecido) y juntos tuvieron 4 hijos que le sobrevivieron: Alberto, Mercedes, Caridad y Felipe Juarez. Tambien deja a tres nietos y ocho visnietos. Ella fallecio en su sueño rodeada de sus seres queridos el diez de Febrero del 2016. Siempre sera recordada con mucho cariño por todo su amor y direccion. como anecdota personal, ella me enseño el Salmo 23 cuando era niña, el cual siempre me ha ayudado a tener fe en Dios. Que en paz descanse hasta la segunda venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

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