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Candles Lit
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn In Celebration Of Your Life
Margaret Finn In Memory Of Your Birthday
Margaret Finn
Margaret Finn
Place of birth: Hartford
Religious affiliation: Other
Margaret was a stay at home mom she also volenteered at the senior center. She loved fishing as long as someone else put the worm on the hook. She loved tag Sales and definitely passed that on to her daughters, other loves include pocket book shopping, Cheese doodles ,Cooking for other people , and scratch tickets , and handing out tic tacs to all her grandchildren .
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Terry and Pats
16 Eagle Court
East Hartford , CT 06066