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Candles Lit
Luis Rico In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Rico In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Rico In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Rico In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Rico In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Rico In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Rico In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Rico In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Rico
Luis Rico
Place of birth: Colombia
Religious affiliation: Christian
Luis has been in our lives for 2 short years. He was kind, thoughtful, compassionate. Rick and I love him like a son. We saw so much potential in him- as a husband to Stefanie, in his career, and to live a godly life. He spoke 3 languages -Spanish, Portuguese and English (and was learning Italian). He had a degree in financing and was planning to further his education here in the States.Luis moved here from Colombia when he was 20 and started the process of becoming a United States citizen which he acquired about 2-1/2 weeks before he passed. He was a hard working young man with a passion for soccer which he played weekly, and most sports. He and Rick and Anthony would watch football together and he even went with them to watch a UFC fight. This past Christmas we were blessed to have both our children and their spouses here with us. Stefanie told us that Luis insisted on picking out his own gifts to give each of us because he wanted to take the time to think of each of us and give something personal- which he did and he did a beautiful job of it. I don’t know why God chose to take Luis home at 26 yrs old. We are all heartbroken in a way we never expected. But we saw God’s love and grace throughout the whole process of what happened at the end of his short life and know without a doubt that Luis is in the arms of the Father where he is safe and at peace. Thank you for all your prayers and support as we would not have been able to do what needed to be done in a way that is pleasing to the Lord without them. Luis was cremated this morning but he will always always be a part of our lives. He has touched my heart and become part of it. Thankfully the last thing I said to Luis as he hugged me goodbye when he left my house in December was I love you.