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Candles Lit
Luis Ortiz Torres In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Ortiz Torres In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Ortiz Torres In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Ortiz Torres In Memory Of Your Birthday
Luis Ortiz Torres In Celebration Of Your Life
Luis Ortiz Torres In Memory Of Your Birthday
I love you dad <3 Lilly
Luis Ortiz Torres I love you dad <3
Luis Ortiz Torres
Luis Ortiz Torres
Place of birth: Puerto Rico
Religious affiliation: Other
It is with a sad heart I write to say my dad passed away on Monday, April 5, 2021, after many years of illness. He is at peace and reunited with his parents and his sisters and brothers who have gone before him; Don Marcello, Luisa, sisters Aurora Ortiz, Maria Ortiz, Dorca Miranda, and brother Efigenio Ortiz. He is survived by his siblings; Persida Gonzalez, Juan, Enrique, and Carlos Ortiz. His loving wife of 56 years, Mercedes Ortiz, and their children, Luis Ortiz and Lillian Izaguirre. He was a loving grandfather to their children, Stefan, Tatiana, Malia, Giovanni, Andrea, and Alexis and an uncle to many nieces and nephews. He was a father-in-law to Dawn Ortiz and Lazaro Izaguirre. He will be dearly missed by all. My dad proudly served 27 years in the US Army serving, travelling, and protecting his country before he retired the first time. He then served 18 years in the Panama Canal Commission before retiring a second time as Watch Commander; a position of great honor and responsibility. Always a hardworking man and not being able to sit still, he then worked for Publix for 5 additional years sharing smiles and conversations with the shoppers. He was a proud and hardworking man who loved his family, especially his grandchildren. His proudest achievements were in his career in the military and PCC and watching his children grow up and have children of their own. Sharing time with his grandchildren turned this hard army man into an unrecognizable soft ball of mush; perfect for hugs, rolling around on the floor, later on for board games and dominoes, and even later a proud cheerleader as he watched his first grandson, Stefan, join the Marines and get married, his first granddaughter, Tatiana, grow up to be a “take names and kick ass” self-made woman and get engaged too. I know you will be looking down from heaven and keeping an eye on all of them, dad. He was a man who did the right thing and followed the rules, but was certainly no angel and had a mischievous streak about him. He was our first teacher, always teaching us to do our best and always do it right the first time. Our life guard, always watching out for our safety, whether wanted or not. And our hero in so many ways giving us advice and guidance, and bailing us out of hot spots, trouble, and financial mistakes. My first hero; the person I looked up to as I shadowed him everywhere he went, learning and doing what he did and how, always daddy’s little girl. He was a man who had plenty of flaws, but a great sense of humor. Even in his last days, when his lucidity came and went, he was still cracking jokes. I love you dad and I miss you. Married 56 years to his loving wife, Mercedes, my mom took amazing care of him especially these last few months even to her own detriment. It was a long and difficult road, but we were blessed to celebrate his 83rd birthday and his last Easter with us. While I know he is at peace, in heaven, in no more pain, and likely having a beer with my grandma, my selfish side still wishes he was here with us, healthy, with life to see his grandchildren grow up and their accomplishments. He will be dearly missed by all of us. Please pray for our family.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
National Cremation Society & Burial
7565 Red Bug Lake RD
Oviedo , FL 32765