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Candles Lit
Kyle Rozman In Celebration Of Your Life
Kyle Rozman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kyle Rozman In Celebration Of Your Life
Kyle Rozman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kyle Rozman In Celebration Of Your Life
Kyle Rozman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kyle Rozman In Celebration Of Your Life
Kyle Rozman
Kyle Rozman
Place of birth: Pittsburgh, Pa
Religious affiliation: Christian
Kyle, my son that was tragically taken at only 11 years old, K-Dogs Kidz Mission was originally founded as a nonprofit through Ridgewood Church, Assemply Of God as a Mission to keep his name and kindness alive. Kyle (K-Dog) was a gifted student, an amazing electric guitar player, a mixed martial arts Black Belt and fathers best friend. Kyle had a dream to be the first RockStar / Marine Biologist. In his life taken too soon he swam with dolphins, sharks, stingrays and walked on the bottom of the ocean. Did and seen places that many adults will never see or do in their lifetime. White House at an election year, multiple beaches in the US and Overseas. Had his passport by 5yrs old. What Kyle and Don (Kdog’s Dad) did together was amazing. He just wasn’t finished 😢💔……K-Dogs Kidz is dedicated to helping other young children fulfill some of there dreams and dealing with bad situations in their life beyond their control. The goal is to have most of our funding through bikers. social club and rock music for Kyle’s love ❤️. Our mission is to help our Children being Bullied and Give our Children with a Disability A GREAT DAY ❤️. Kyle was know for his kindness and helping younger students according to all that knew him at Highcliff Elementary. He was even a hero for stopping a bully bigger than him which then helped many other kids being bullied by this child. In my eyes, he will always be my hero and best friend. Advanced beyond his years and was teaching me more acceptance and control. K-Dogs Kidz will carry on his tradition of caring and kindness by organizing various MC’s that he always looked up to as a friend and fellow biker/family. Also dedicated to bringing all races of clubs and riders (all bikes) together, because as the world has so many race issues we all live by a Biker Code of respect. We are the example of that RESPECT!Please enjoy the pics of my best friend, my mini-me, my son and my life…..Kyle Nicholas Rozman (K-Dog) Loved and missed by so many.K-Dogs Kidz keeps Kyle’s name alive. A personal type of my relationship with him here and helps Dad to move forward in a life without his body at his side. Never an easy moment. One day they will be together again and that moment will be an amazing time with Kyle again.As a Motorcycle & Social Mission we are able, and do our best to work with clubs all over the country. We are so lucky to reach out and get help from great clubs, riders and non-riders. Anyone wanting to learn more about Kyle is welcome to join the Facebook group Kyle’s MemorialWe are now privileged to have so many helpers that are kept behind the scenes for privacy including a number of psychological professionals, lawyers, social programs and always looking for more that believe in the K-Dogs Mission. We always need MORE!
K-Dogs Kidz
A Voice for Innocent Children
K-Dogs Kidz Mission National page and join the group page in your area. Pennsylvania : K-Dogs Kidz Allegheny Chapter Mission North Allegheny Mission Butler County Mission Lawrence County Mission Ohio: K-Dogs Kidz Youngstown MissionHelp the children with a donation of a K-Dogs item to spread the word.