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Candles Lit
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock In Celebration Of Your Life
Kurt McClintock In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kurt McClintock
Kurt McClintock
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: None/Unknown
Kurt was giving, sweet, kind and caring. He devoted 20 years service to the Army National Guard. Always an optimist, he continued to devote time and energy to make our country a better place by uniting ideas and people. He had a brilliant mind and spirit. He was a loving and devoted husband and father. Each day without him feels like an eternity. His light went out far too early in this world but his spirit will continue to shine on in our hearts forever.