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Candles Lit
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson In Celebration Of Your Life
Karly Jackson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Karly Jackson
Karly Jackson
Place of birth: None
Karly was my best friend and she was the greatest person I have ever met. She cared so deeply for everyone and lit up every room she walked into. She was most famous for her warm hugs and infectious smile. I miss her every single day but I know she is watching over every person that was part of her life. I can’t wait to hug her again some day.