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Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert In Celebration Of Your Life
Kamry Albert In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kamry Albert RIP Little Princess Kamry May You Give Your Strengh
Kamry Albert
Kamry Albert
Place of birth: Inland Hospital
Religious affiliation: Christian
Kamry S Albert was born on Monday, September 26, 2016, at 9:55 p.m. to parents Alyssa Albert and Peter Speropolous at the Inland Hospital of Waterville. She weighed 11 ounces. Kamry is deeply loved by her mommy and daddy, Little brother Kameron her twin brother was born on the same day, her grandparents, her great-grandparents, her aunts and uncles, her cousins and many others. Kamry will always remain her parents’ precious baby and Kameron’s little sister, and they will hold her again in heaven one day. If anyone would like to make a donation in Kamry’s memory, please send to P.O. Box 186, Oakland Maine 04963.