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Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel In Celebration Of Your Life
Joshua Fogel In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joshua Fogel
In Loving Memory ? Baby Joshua Linzy Fogel
Joshua Fogel
Place of birth: San Diego
Baby Joshua was born with a broken heart.
Our hearts broke when we kissed him goodbye.
We miss him so much. ♡
Born Feb 8, 2013 .. Baby Joshua saw the outdoors for the first and last time in his short life, as he was transported to Children’s Hospital. His doctors knew he had Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia. Soon, we found out that his little heart only had one tiny collateral pulmonary artery that was not likely going to be strong enough to support his growing body. He also had a moderate case of DiGeorge Syndrome and Apnea. At two weeks old, little Joshua underwent surgery to correct his apnea. The doctors did not think he would survive the recovery of coming out of his drug induced coma. He surprised everyone and woke up! He just needed a few extra days and lots of love. He came off the ventilator and spent time with his family. Joshua’s Mommy & Daddy and his Big Brother and Big Sister spent hours with him in his hospital room. He cooed and cuddled, took naps and even had his first bath. Grandparents and an uncle came to spend time with the little guy. Joshua had amazing nurses caring for him around the clock. Joshua displayed his stubborn but sweet personality to us all. He was curious and loved watching us talk to him and around him. He had a tough time if he got too upset, but he always came back. At five and a half weeks old, Joshua seemed stable enough to go home within the next week. Unfortunately, Joshua’s little body started showing signs of distress as he reached six weeks old. He had grown to a hearty nine pounds, even on just iv nutrition. We spent the weekend cuddling him and asking him to hold on .. we knew he could do it ..
But he slipped into unconsciousness after the weekend, and his little body wasn’t oxygenating well. The doctors told us to prepare to kiss our sweet baby goodbye.
Joshua spent his last hours cuddling with Mommy & Daddy. Our hearts broke when he died .. he was five hours and one minute shy of turning exactly forty seven days old.
We miss him so much. ~♡~