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Candles Lit
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Urbanowicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Urbanowicz
Joseph Urbanowicz
Place of birth: San Pedro, California
Joey was my first born son. He made me a mom at 16 yrs old! He was such a beautiful boy, born on Christmas Day 1987! He was smart, cute, funny, quirky and full of love. He loved life and took great joy in making everyone around him laugh. He did so many things to bring joy to many. He grew up to be a great man. Kind, loving, handsome, funny and caring. He has a beautiful sister named Destiny and younger brother named Chance. He made me a grand mother for the first time with his son JJ. He then married a beautiful woman named Candace and had 3 beautiful girls with her, Dani, Toni and Penelope. He was tragically taken from us on August 4th in a horrible car accident. Gone way to soon. I will never understand why. He will be missed forever! 💔