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Candles Lit
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell In Celebration Of Your Life
Johnny R Mitchell In Memory Of Your Birthday
Johnny R Mitchell
Johnny R Mitchell
Place of birth: Albuquerque, NM
Religious affiliation: Catholic
He is survived by his wife Jeanette, daughter Dora & Ivan, daughter Danielle & David Chavez, Darnell Begay, his 3 grandchildren, Helen, John and Claire and many other family members. He is proceeded in death by his parents John & Rose Mitchell and sister Dorothy Bencomo. He will be welcomed by many realitives and friends that have passed and He will be missed by so many that have met him during his life with us. He was a son & son in law, a husband, a Daddy, a grandfather, a brother & brother in law, an uncle and friend. He loved everyone in his family and had many connections with friends. He met his wife as teenagers and they were together for 48 years and married for 40. He was a hard working man as a machinist, he played darts and went ballooning, he had so many plans for remodeling his home and many stories to tell. Some of his best moments were spent with his grandchildren.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
His home
828 Apache Ave NW
Albuquerque , NM 87102