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Candles Lit
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig In Memory Of Your Birthday
John David Koenig In Celebration Of Your Life
John David Koenig
John David Koenig
Place of birth: Cleveland, Ohio
John David Koenig was born in Cleveland in 1923 and served honorably in Europe WWII. Upon his return to the states he married Marie and moved to Denver, Colorado where he started an auto-body repair shop. John was preceded in death by Marie. John leaves three children (Bill, Robert, and Fred), six grandchildren (Jenny, Kristen, Chuck, Lauren, Claire, and Missy), and three great grandchildren (Maisie, Bella, and Noah). John was a respected man in his community and will be sorely missed by those who knew him. John passed in his sleep on Monday December 18th.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Englewood , CO 80113