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Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
Jimmy Love In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jimmy Love In Celebration Of Your Life
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Jimmy Love
Place of birth: new york
Religious affiliation: Other
Comments: Jimmy Leonard (Jim) Love was born August 1969 in Miami Florida to Cynthia Edwards and the late John Wesley Love. He attended Hillsborough county Public Schools and graduated from King High School in 1988. After graduation, he attended college at Tennessee Wesleyan for a short period of time. Upon returning home, he began working for the City of Miami Water Department in 1989, where he worked as a lifeguard and supervisor for 25 years. Jim loved sports. He played baseball, basketball, ran track, football, swam and participated in karate where he earned his third degree black belt. Dean’s smile was a big reason people loved being around him. His smile was contagious and it would light up a room. He had a way of making people feel special.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
10am - 11:30am
2546 SW 8th St
miami , FL