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Candles Lit
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Alex Mandabach In Celebration Of Your Life
Alex Mandabach In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jim Torgerson
Alex Mandabach
Place of birth: Kentucky
Alcohol is a product of Amazing VersatilityIt will remove stain from designer clothesIt will also remove the clothes from your backIf it is used in sufficient quantityAlcohol will remove furniture from the homeRugs from the floor, food from the tableLining from the stomach, vision from the eyesAnd judgement from the wind.Alcohol will remove good reputations,good jobs, good friends, happiness from children’s hearts.Sanity, freedom, spouses, relationships, mans ability to adjust and live with his fellow man and even life himself.As a remover of things, Alcohol has no equal.
A Biker’s Prayer
May the sun rise in front of me
May the rain fall behind me
And the wind follow me
May the angels guard my travels
For they know the road ahead of me
Keep me safe through swirling turns and rolling hills
Let the eagle guide me to the mountaintops
Let the moon light guide me through the night
Lord, thank you for letting me be a biker
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
, FL 32514