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Candles Lit
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport In Celebration Of Your Life
Jesse Davenport In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jesse Davenport
Jesse Davenport
Place of birth: Newberry, South Carolina
Religious affiliation: Christian
Jesse Davenport was a man that always kept you laughing, loved his family, and others more than he loved himself. He was also a wonderful father of four amazing children. As much as a good man he was, he was a even better father, and a very supportive father. Jesse use to always say “ You will never know what you can fully become in life if you don’t fully try”.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
F. B. Pratt & Son Funeral Home
601 south st
Newberry , SC 29108